National News

Dear Reverend Clergy and Church Musicians,
You are invited to participate in two very timely workshops in September for church musicians and clergy. They will be presented via Zoom Webinar by the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians. Each one will have a different registration link – once you register, you’ll receive the link for the actual webinar. This is a safety feature Zoom employs  but it also gives the presenters an idea of is present.
Here are the offerings:

1)    “COVID-10 and CHURCH MUSIC in the PARISHES” 
Friday, September 11th from 3:00 - 4:30 pm EDT

This Webinar will feature updates on the newest research about singing during the pandemic along with specific implications for parish music programs. More importantly, the workshop will highlight promising decision-making pathways that parish church musicians can use to help plan for the eventual safe return of both chanters and choirs to our services once they’re authorized to do so by their state and local authorities and their Metropolitans. Practical ideas for coping and transitioning to singing will be shared. There will be time for Q&A. This webinar would be of interest to clergy, choir members, chanter, youth choir directors, and Church School hymnology teachers.
2)    Tips and Tricks for Vocalizing During COVID-19” 
Monday, September 14th from 3:00 – 4:30 pm
This will be an innovative Webinar featuring practical suggestions from ten of our professional vocal technicians about ways to deal with vocal weaknesses emerging in the midst of the pandemic. Each presenter is challenged with providing you with a 5-minute, easy-to-use tip to maintain and improve your singing and chanting abilities while you aren’t able to be in church and even once you return! There will be Q&A time. This webinar would be of interest to choir members, chanters, and clergy focused on vocal health during the pandemic.
If you are interested, please register for either or both of these webinars - they are free! They will also be recorded and placed on the National Forum’s website for future use.
In between these two webinars, the National Forum will be holding its 44th Annual Meeting via Zoom. If you are interested in being part of the “inner workings” of our national church music ministry and meeting its people, let us know and we will send you the registration information. The meetings will occur on short 2 ½ hour sessions starting Friday evening, September 11th through Monday evening, September 14th. These meeting sessions are also free, but we ask that you are a current steward of the National Forum.